Two of many reasons why people leave a church, one you are moved by God, second the relationship has changed certain people. However the reality is that we need people in our lives to help get to the place God has ordained for us..
The favor of God will work in conjunction with people. The favor of God to take you to the land of purpose you will need people.
Interestingly enough when God created the earth He also created man so he could govern it. Yet God also needed people to execute his plan here on earth. Here comes Adam to help God on earth, a key component.
That's why God will always use key people that are indispensable for the things of God to happen in your life.
We also have be careful, because the devil will use key people to hinder you, and that everything you have heard in your life concerning your purpose will not become a reality.
People can be a blessing or a detriment. Right people enhance you wrong people will debilitated you.
We know so many people, but we need the favor of God to be a repellent to some people but be attractive to the right people, to accomplish his will.God can remove people from our lives that can hinder you, so please don't pray for people God has removed from you to come back..
People are the key for what God is doing in us!
It's impossible to have success alone, neither is failure .
Batman needed Robin, Lone Ranger need Tontoe.
It's time to invest in the right relationships and not waste time because our greatest asset we posses is people.
Connection with people is a mandate, it's privilege and unavoidable.
Sin did not manifest in the earth until there were two. Yet God said Its not good for man to be a lone.
Being alone is not good when it comes to fulfilling the purpose that God has ordained.
Alone you can not multiply, you can not increase, You can't govern.
Divine connection will raise you up, when they're not divine they crush you.
Maybe you are the problem in relationship, so excuse yourself.
What God will begin to send in favor will come camouflaged in people.
New people, new connection, new things.
Our life is precious but short in comparison to eternity.So it is important we live with an understanding of time.
Eccles 9:11 I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all. For man also does not know his time: Like fish taken in a cruel net, Like birds caught in a snare, So the sons of men are snared in an evil time, When it falls suddenly upon them.
When you know you have 33 years to live you better have an idea of what you were called to do.
Thats why i want to share these five recomendations with you.
1. We don't have time to waste.
2. Your life of relationships with people must change.
Two ways, with the intensity that this could be your last on earth, but if you are awake in the morning, live as if you had a plan that will take 100 years. How much would your agenda change if you knew today would be your last day.
3. The time and calendar factor would become a determining factor in your life.
When you begin to ask how long will it take me to accomplish this project, your going to need a watch and a calendar. You only have so many days on earth and you need to be productive. Thats why we need the right people in our lives,
4. Begin to invest your money in things that were not acceptable before, but are acceptable now.
Now I understand the the factor of time.
5. The priorities of life would change.
Being lethargic or passive about making decision or determinations in our lives can be costly even detrimental.
Usually its because we don't a revelation of how short our time here on earth is. I'm not talking about premature deaths.Life is short because God has placed so much in every one of us that our lives are not long enough to accomplish them.
Eccles. 3:10 I have observed the burden that God has given to people to keep them occupied. God has made everything fit beautifully in its appropriate time, but he has also placed ignorance(eternity) in the human heart so that people cannot discover what God has ordained, from the beginning to the end of their lives.
You have always existed for God.
People will help you waste time or people will help redeem time.
I want the favor of God so I can come across people in which will help me redeem time..
God uses people, to manifest His favor in our lives.
If you would have told me 18 months ago, that I would be experiencing Gods favor in the manner in which I'm sharing with you, I would have not believed you.
I also had an exodus of people leaving our ministry, however God has revealed his favor over us that he brought new people, relationship to our lives. You see God wanted to make us better, but he needed to remove the wrong people, so he can get the right people in. At one time I thought people were a curse to me, but now i understand that the right people can be a blessing also. You see i didn't know how to get the wrong people out and the right people in, so God did it for me. Not that it was easy but it was needed. When Abraham had to tell his son Ishmael to leave with his mother, i'm sure it was the hardest thing he had to do. Abraham realized that his future was in the balance. Thats why the right people will help you become the father of the faith, and a people or just another father. Friend our time on earth is precious, we don't have much of it to waste. So i declare that God will favor you with the right people who will believe in, what God has placed in you.. Pastor Albert
New people, new connection, new things.
Our life is precious but short in comparison to eternity.So it is important we live with an understanding of time.
Eccles 9:11 I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all. For man also does not know his time: Like fish taken in a cruel net, Like birds caught in a snare, So the sons of men are snared in an evil time, When it falls suddenly upon them.
When you know you have 33 years to live you better have an idea of what you were called to do.
Thats why i want to share these five recomendations with you.
1. We don't have time to waste.
2. Your life of relationships with people must change.
Two ways, with the intensity that this could be your last on earth, but if you are awake in the morning, live as if you had a plan that will take 100 years. How much would your agenda change if you knew today would be your last day.
3. The time and calendar factor would become a determining factor in your life.
When you begin to ask how long will it take me to accomplish this project, your going to need a watch and a calendar. You only have so many days on earth and you need to be productive. Thats why we need the right people in our lives,
4. Begin to invest your money in things that were not acceptable before, but are acceptable now.
Now I understand the the factor of time.
5. The priorities of life would change.
Being lethargic or passive about making decision or determinations in our lives can be costly even detrimental.
Usually its because we don't a revelation of how short our time here on earth is. I'm not talking about premature deaths.Life is short because God has placed so much in every one of us that our lives are not long enough to accomplish them.
Eccles. 3:10 I have observed the burden that God has given to people to keep them occupied. God has made everything fit beautifully in its appropriate time, but he has also placed ignorance(eternity) in the human heart so that people cannot discover what God has ordained, from the beginning to the end of their lives.
You have always existed for God.
People will help you waste time or people will help redeem time.
I want the favor of God so I can come across people in which will help me redeem time..
God uses people, to manifest His favor in our lives.
If you would have told me 18 months ago, that I would be experiencing Gods favor in the manner in which I'm sharing with you, I would have not believed you.
I also had an exodus of people leaving our ministry, however God has revealed his favor over us that he brought new people, relationship to our lives. You see God wanted to make us better, but he needed to remove the wrong people, so he can get the right people in. At one time I thought people were a curse to me, but now i understand that the right people can be a blessing also. You see i didn't know how to get the wrong people out and the right people in, so God did it for me. Not that it was easy but it was needed. When Abraham had to tell his son Ishmael to leave with his mother, i'm sure it was the hardest thing he had to do. Abraham realized that his future was in the balance. Thats why the right people will help you become the father of the faith, and a people or just another father. Friend our time on earth is precious, we don't have much of it to waste. So i declare that God will favor you with the right people who will believe in, what God has placed in you.. Pastor Albert