One of my prayers lately has been that I truly may be Spirit led. After studying a little on the subject, I have come to this conclusion. If you you want to be Spirit led, avoid thinking that doing good means I'm Spirit led. In reality you are led by your conscience, totally deceived and may not even know it. Being moral doesn't mean your Spirit led. This will only make you think your a good person, when the scripture says: "NO, theres no one good".. Being Spirit led will require you to depend totally on the Holy Spirit, while being led by your conscience will require you to depend on your morality..
Hebrews 10:2 … For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins.That verse is further proof that God has not called us to be “moral”, nor are we supposed to be “immoral” the way the devil would want us to be. We are called to be “a-moral” – no more consciousness of sins. Just as if Adam had not eaten from the tree God had forbidden. Just like little children.The church has lost this truth – thinking it is called to be a beacon for morality. Always “taking a stand”. Always pointing a finger. No. The only stand we should take is a stand for Jesus. The only one we should point to is Jesus. Only he can purify. And once purified, we have no more use for conscience.
We are either led by our conscience or led by the Spirit. If I do what’s right “because it is right”, I am led by conscience. If I avoid what’s wrong “because it is wrong” or “because it’s a sin”, I am led by conscience. I am eating from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. I am living by that. And sooner or later I will fall.But God has called you to live by the Spirit. And the Spirit will produce all sorts of good fruit in you- fruit that fulfills morality anyway, but we’ll be unaware of it. No longer will I do what is right “because it is right”. There are better reasons! Reasons like… love. Love is a better motive than morality. No longer will I avoid terrible things because “it’s a sin”. There are better reasons! Reasons like… “I don’t want to!” You can “act moral” but still desire sin. Or you can let God put his desires in you and live by those.That’s why we’re not called to live by conscience. Even if we do, our conscience doesn’t see the entire picture God sees. Living free from conscience, we begin to step into being Spirit-led. We begin to truly live by faith.
Romans 8:14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.And sons of God are purified by Jesus. So do not be afraid- if this sounds too “radical” or “scary”. This is the essence of the gospel! You will see the Kingdom of God because you have been made to be like a child. No more consciousness of sins. Jesus did not say that he came to make you moral. He came to give you life. There were two trees in the midst of the Garden – one was Morality, the other was Life. The first was law, the second was grace.
Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age.Jesus came to be your morality, so that you can experience real life from him.I pray this blesses you the way it did me..
Pastor Albert
If there was something Jesus detested it was religion. There was one group in particular who was really into it though. The Pharisees brought down God’s perfect law to the level where they thought they could keep it. And Jesus always put them in their place. In fact Jesus called them “whitewashed tombs” and a “brood of vipers”. Why was Jesus so angry at them? Because they were self righteous? Yes. But more than that, because they “put loads on people’s backs but do not lift a finger to help them”.(Matt 23:4 and Luke11:46) They disqualified people from God with their added rules that only they could keep. The same people Jesus wanted to reach out to and just love on- were afraid to go near Jesus because of the religious hypocrisy and the fear propagated by these Pharisees. That culture is still alive today. And it STILL stops people from drawing close to God.
Even in “the Kingdom”, there are many “christians” who have a jealous spirit. The spirit of the Prodigal Son’s older brother- jealous that the Father was gracious and merciful. Would he prefer that the Father was mean? Who then would bother returning home? The spirit of the ones who worked early in the vineyard, jealous that the ones who came late got the same. They are the 99 who were left behind because the shepherd was looking for the 1. They don’t identify with the “1″ that was lost. They don’t think they were ever lost, and they forget that they only stand by grace too. They think they are “the first”. They are Martha, angry at Mary for resting at Jesus’ feet. They lose out on the “better part” because they forget that only “one thing” is required. Faith!
If you would just believe.. Thats it. Don’t miss out on what he died to give you. Don’t listen to people who add things to something that is yours for free. Don’t think that God wants to save your soul from hell, but also wants to give you a life that’s full of “trials and tribulations” to some way “prepare you for heaven”. The Kingdom is Here. If you are in Christ… you have everything that he gave on the cross- his life, his righteousness, his health, his wealth, his standing with the Father, his beauty, his mind and his heart. It’s already there, and the beauty of life this side of heaven is learning about what he have in Him, and not what we need to earn without him… Who we are in him, not who we have to become in order to receive his approval. We are new creations- HIS new creations. He did this to us.